My Favorite Photos



There are two photos that are my all-time and forever favorites...both taken by my husband Michael.

The first photograph was taken the day after we brought our daughter, Lori, home from the hospital...she is 5 days old and is sleeping in her crib. Family and friends have commented on what a great photo it is, but it is more than is a memory.  

It is a memory not of just the few minutes of her life when the photo was actually taken, but of months before and even after she was born. This photo brings back memories of the first time we felt her kick, our 2am drive to hospital, and the love we instantly had for this tiny, living-person.

The second photograph is of our son, Jason, about 4 years old, sitting on the couch with a sly look in the eyes, but a happy smile.  

When I look at this picture I remember the times when he gave me a very similar look when he was a toddler and wanted me to tickle him and chase him around the house - ending in gales of laughter and rolling around on the floor. This happy memory of the two of us having fun together, triggers another fond memory: the two of us together, him sitting quietly on my lap while we are rocking and snuggling. 

A single photo does more than capture a moment in time, it can remind us of emotions, events and even other memories that we may have "forgotten”. 

A photo that can trigger or remind us of such wonderful things is a treasure - and a treasure is always worth saving!

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